Cheesy Chile Eggrolls

Cheesy Chile Eggrolls

Cheesy Chile Eggrolls
Only 3 ingredients are used to make these deep-fried cheesy chile eggrolls: eggroll wrappers, fire-roasted green chiles, and pepper jack cheese.

Eggroll wraps should be put on a work surface.

A whole green chile should be placed on the wrap diagonally.

Add enough pepper jack cheese to cover the chile, or about 2 tablespoons.

Fold the filling over the bottom corner.

Wrap tightly halfway around filling.

To make it look like an envelope, fold in both sides tightly against the filling.

Moisten the edges of the final flap with a moistened finger.

When sealing the top corner of the wrap, roll it up and moisten the edges to help them stick.

until you are ready to cook, place flap-side down.

Add the remaining ingredients and repeat.